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Big hello to year 2012
Font Size:Hits: 2865 |  Date: 2012/1/1

Year 2011 is a year filled with progress and challenges. Compared with year 2010, we make breakthrough in expanding product category and making alliance with major sources, which are top manufacturers from China. Our own export still remains stable, whereas the export to customers via us soars by 40%,despite the profit is small, which we witness very positive performance.

In 2012, we have one local bank named Bank of Changsha to support us in financing. although the world economy is going down and many uncertain market factors is around us, we have the brave heart like dragon to move forward with our business partners.

We thank all the support and understanding from our partners. we wish all of them a very healthy, happy, and prosperous new year 2012.

Big hello to Year 2012.

On behalf of our passionate team, I look forward to welcoming you to us for achieving success in the global marketplace.Copyright 2022    技术支持:webo(长沙韦柏科技)
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